Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yoga Journal 2009 Guide to Yoga at Home

I just picked up this magazine (title above) yesterday, Nov.14 and it is wonderful! It has more very practical, useful information for creating and sustaining a home yoga practice, than I can imagine you will find in most magazines!

Consider it a Christmas gift to yourself, or for a loved one that loves yoga!

Look it up, check it out, then just go ahead and buy and you'll be sure to find what you are looking for and even more!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stick Figure Poses

Here is a link to a site with wonderful diagrams of stick figures in yoga poses. These can be very helpful to the beginning practicioner. Remember they are printable or you can save them!
Click on this link to be transported to stick yoga pose heaven!!!

Taking a Breather...

For the latter part of December and most of January, I will be taking a breather, so to speak. I plan to experience yoga as a student for a little while. Get back to basics...
So, remember, there are classes all over and you can always drop in for a nominal fee. See the website of for classes in Saskatoon with my favorite teacher, Ryan Leier and check out the schedule at the with my wonderful teacher, Jan Henrikson as well as other fellow graduates of Sacred Ground Yoga.

As for me, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and see you in Late January - Schedule will be posted by the 2nd week in December.

PS Maybe I'll see you in class, somewhere!


Thursday, October 9, 2008


Welcome one and all who visit this site with the intention of finding resources for your journey into Yoga. We will provide useful tips, links, pictures, sequences of asanas, vegan & vegetarian recipes,etc. We hope we can provide you with the answers to some questions and the longing to ask more!

Recognizing the divine in you and everyone and celebrating that. Namaste