Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Class Schedule - CHANGES

I have had to change up the schedule a tiny bit!

There will be NO Tuesday night yoga in Vanscoy - It will be MONDAY night instead!

Wednesday night yoga in Delisle still the same.

PLEASE SEE THE SIDE BAR for full class details!

OR Contact Brandy!

Ah Blessed Tahnee :)

Oh hurts today...but ya know what? I learned so so much from Tahnee last night
at the workshop...that it was so worth being out of my comfort zone for a small while!

Namaste and blessings always to my dear friend and teacher Tahnee Fournier for guiding us
on the path and helping us to deeper understand our own practice.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tahnee Confirmed!

This Tuesday's workshop, August 24th 7-9 pm is going to host Tahnee Fournier, an Anusara-Inspired Yogini from Ireland! We are so so lucky and blessed to have her here with us!
She will teaching the backbends and inversions workshop.
$20 per person
Bring a friend!

Snacks and tea provided.
Mats, blocks, straps all available!

Please contact Brandy via e-mail or Facebook to confirm your spot! Limited space.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Workshop Aug 24 and Tahnee News

Tuesday, August 24 7-9 pm is the Backbends and Inversions workshop at the Delisle Anglican Church! $20 per person Snacks and tea provided.

Tahnee is in town! As soon as we nail down a date between today and the 29th (when she leaves back to Ireland), it will be posted and you will be contacted OR contact me!
