Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yoga Done...for now...

Sorry my yogis! But I must stop teaching yoga for the time being.
I have previously emailed everyone on my list and hope that you have passed
this information along to anyone who wants to know.

I have been looking for a teacher for Delisle and Vanscoy and hope to have something
arranged very soon.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

5:30 pm Delisle Class on Wed Cancelled

Due to unforseen circumstances, there will no longer be a 5:30 pm beginner class at the
Anglican church on wed nights in Delisle.

The 5:30 pm participants are welcome to join the 7 pm class.

Thank you

Monday, October 4, 2010

Vanscoy Yoga

Class is on for tonight, Oct. 4th 7 pm at the hotel basement.
Next Monday, NO CLASS as it is Thanksgiving!

Stay tuned for details on the following Monday's will not be
in hotel basement!
